Biomarker Discovery & Development
This paper provides the insight on the biomarker discovery process and classifier development to reach a statistical performance necessary to serve the intended use of ThyroidPrint® (Rule-out).
Revisa acá las publicaciones científicas que respaldan el test ThyroidPrint®
This paper provides the insight on the biomarker discovery process and classifier development to reach a statistical performance necessary to serve the intended use of ThyroidPrint® (Rule-out).
This review addresses the statistical rational supporting the intended use of molecular testing for indeterminate thyroid nodules.
This publication is reports two-independent multicenter – prospective trials that validate the clinical performance of ThyroidPrint® in two- ethnically diverse cohorts
This publication is a summary and comment by an independent expert about the clinical validation studies of ThyroidPrint®.
This publication is a summary and comment by an independent expert about the biomarker discovery & development of ThyroidPrint®.
With the widespread use of sensitive imaging techniques, which include neck visualization, a conspicuous number of thyroid nodules emerge and demand attention...
América, Chile
Europa, españa
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