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What is ThyroidPrint?

A test that avoids unnecessary thyroid surgeries

If you have been diagnosed with an indeterminate thyroid nodule (Bethesda III or IV), your risk of cancer ranges between 15 to 30%. If your ThyroidPrint test result is benign the risk of cancer of your nodule falls to less than 5% and you can forgo a diagnostic surgery.

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ThyroidPrint in numbers

Tests performed
+ 0
Available in 0 Countries
Surgeries avoided
+ 0 %
Years of research
+ 0

Centers working with us



ThyroidPrint, available worldwide to improve your quality of life

ThyroidPrint is a test clinically validated in the United States and Latin America, developed by GeneproDX. Our mission is to change how indeterminate thyroid nodules are diagnosed and treated worldwide.

What do

our patients say?

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Testimonial Ximena Urzua
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Testimonial Macarena Bustamante
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Testimonial María Sonia Herrera

Authorizations and accreditations

Our clinical laboratory is CAP-accredited (College of American Pathologists), which is the highest standard accreditation for clinical laboratories worldwide.
